produk> Bodas SMD LED> 5050 bodas smd led> Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W
Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W
Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W
Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W
Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W
Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W
Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W
Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W
Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W

Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W

Get Latest Price
    • Type pamayaran: T/T,Paypal,Western Union
    • Incoterm: FOB,EXW,FCA
    • Mnt. pesenan: 5000 Piece/Pieces
    • kandaraan: Ocean,Land,Air
    • palabuhan: SHENZHEN
    Kamampuhan Suplai & Émbaran Tambahan
    Additional Information

    bungkusanKotak karton

    kakuwatan keur ngasilkeun1000000000 pcs/week


    Tempat AsalCina

    Kamampuhan suplai7000000000 pcs/week


    Kode HS8541401000


    Type pamayaranT/T,Paypal,Western Union


    Atribut Produk

    Model No.5050CW-26T

    merekLED pangalusna

    Bungkusan & Pangiriman
    Ngical Unit: Piece/Pieces
    Jenis Paket: Kotak karton
    parusahaan Video
    Produksi LED bodas
    Panjelasan Produk

    - 5050 Bodas SMD LED -


    CRI (Color Rendering Index) langkung ageung tibatan 80, anu ngajantenkeun lampu langkung cerah sareng jelas, sareng tiasa mariksa pangaruh pencahyaan sapertos kieu. Di pasar LED, kaseueuran jalma nyebat 8000K suhu hawa ieu LED salaku LED bodas tiis. LED bodas ieu tiasa ngahontal kacaangan 24-26LM nalika anjeun hurung dina sirkuit. LED bodas tiis, ku nami ieu, LED ieu bakal ngagaduhan warna bodas langkung seueur tibatan LED bodas haneut sareng éta ogé ngajantenkeun jalma raoseun sareng katingalina langkung caang tibatan LED bodas haneut. Anu ngajantenkeun LED ieu sampurna pikeun proyek lampu latar. Naha anjeun peryogi LED bodas tiis? Hubungi kami ayeuna!

    white led

    - Size: 5.0*5.0*1.3mm

    - Chip Number: 3

    - Color: Cool White

    - Type: Surface mount device

    - Chip brand: EPISTAR

    - Different color are available

    - Different wavelength are available

    - Warranty: 5 Years

    - RoHS, REACH, EN62471

    - Uniform light output

    - Long life-solid state reliability

    - Low Power consumption

    -Anti UV epoxy resin package

    -High temperature resistance

    - Parameter Diménsi -

    white led size

    Kasus LED SMD ieu ogé sayogi pikeun IR LED, UV LED, Blue SMD LED, LED SMD Beureum, Amber LED jst.

    - Ngaluarkeun Warna -

    10000k LED

    * Warna dina poto dicandak ku kaméra, punten candak warna pancén saleresna salaku standar.

    - Parameter Listrik -

    10000K cool white led 3

    - CRI tina Bodas SMD LED -


    - Sambungan Kawat Emas -

    SMD LED gold wire connection

    * Dina raraga ngajaga unggal umur panjang LED, pabrik BestLED nganggo kawat emas murni luhur pikeun sambungan sirkuit di jero

    - Ngepak -

    White SMD LED package

    * Kami ngarangkep ku bungkus vakum saatos kasét salaku gulungan

    - Aplikasi -

    white LED application

    - LED UV anu aya hubunganana -

    white LED catalog

    - Produksi -

    Production Process of LED

    - Anggo -

    SMD LED Use of attention

    If you have any questions our products or services,feel free to reach out to us.Provide unique experiences for everyone involved with a brand.we’ve got preferential price and best-quality products for you.
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    Category: 5050 bodas smd led
    produk> Bodas SMD LED> 5050 bodas smd led> Bodas LED 5050 SMD LED 8000K CRI> 80 0.2W
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