
5050 SMD air a stiùireadh

5050 Soldrairean stiùir SMD bho Sìona

Airson 5050 SMD air a stiùireadh. Faodaidh iad a bhith a 'stiùireadh SMD an t-sd to wavingnthend, a' toirt a-steach an solas faicsinneach agus an solas mì-chothromach.

Anns a 'chatalog seo, bheir sinn a-steach an 5050 SMD 5050 de sholas faicsinneach. Tha 5050 SMD air a stiùireadh, de mheud 2.8 * 3.5mm. Airson an SMD SEO le stiùireadh, is urrainn dhuinn a h-uile seòrsa tonn-tonn is dath a tha rim faicinn agus dath a thoirt seachad air. leithid: purpaidh, stiùir purpaidh, air a stiùireadh, air a stiùireadh, air a stiùireadh le abhainn, fo stiùir òigridh, fo stiùir òllach, fo stiùir dearg, fo stiùir learnaichte air adhart.

Le 5050 SMD air a stiùireadh, tha sinn a 'toirt seachad: purpaidh 5050 SMD Red, Sthe 5050 SMD le stiùir, uaine 5050 stiùir, òganach 5050 SMD, Orange 5050 Tha SMD air a stiùireadh, Dearg Dearg 5050 Red Linn, Fàs Dearg Light Red Old ScD, White Halth Hald ScD, le SCD 5050 SCD, pinc 5050 SMD agus mar sin air adhart.

Mar as trice, is e ceàrn den 5050 smd sin 5050 ceum. Faodaidh sinn cuideachd a 'cheàrn sin a ghnàthachadh mar a bha a dhìth, mar 30 ceum, 45 ceum, 60 ceum, 90 ceum ect.

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Leig fios thugainn do phàirt riatanach anns an raon 5050 SMD seo
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Dachaigh> Products> Smd air a stiùireadh> 5050 SMD air a stiùireadh

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5050 SMD LED Package

People normally name the SMD LED with its size, same in this 5050 SMD LED. We will easy to know the size of SMD LED from its name, 5.0x5.0mm. For most of 5050 SMD LED, there are three LED chips inside the package. But we also can make it as customer needs. Such as we will be able to make it with 1 chip, 2 chips, 3 chips or even 6 chips. It's all up to your application and required. 

Multi-wavelength LED 5050 SMD LED Multiple chip
5 chips of 5050 SMD LED with ultrathin 505 SMD LED frame. This package have a better heat dissipation performance, which is perfectly for high power type of SMD LED. 
5050 SMD LED RGB LED with protection
This is the most popular three chips of 5050 RGB LED with Zener diode inside for protection. When we light up the pad separately, we will get red, green and blue three color. And when we light up all of them, we will got a perfect white LED color. 
Blue 2 chips LED - 5050 SMD LED
When people just need two lighting chips inside the package we can also make for that application. There just two blue LED chips in 5050 SMD LED. With that LED frame, we can control the lighting chips by light up the relevant pad on the bottom of 5050 LED.

Let us know your required in this 5050 SMD LED

Cuiridh sinn fios thugaibh gu bheil thu dìreach a 'faighinn a-steach

Lìon a-steach barrachd fiosrachaidh gus am faigh thu fios thugad nas luaithe

Aithris Prìobhaideachd: Tha do phrìobhaideachd glè chudromach dhuinne. Tha a 'chompanaidh againn a' gealltainn gun a bhith a 'foillseachadh do fhiosrachadh pearsanta do cheadan soilleir.
